WIA Supports Telecommunications Skilled Workforce Act, “Helps at the Right Time”

Statement from WIA President and CEO Jonathan Adelstein on the Telecommunications Skilled Workforce Act:

“With connectivity in demand more now than ever, the Telecommunications Skilled Workforce Act helps at the right time. The bill places needed focus on developing the wireless workforce the U.S. needs to win the race to 5G. It emphasizes the right solution with apprenticeship, given the success of the Telecommunications Industry Registered Apprenticeship Program. Building a trained wireless workforce will enable the U.S. to reap the benefits from 5G, including the creation of three million jobs and an economic growth impact of $500 billion annually to the economy. We thank Sen. Thune for his leadership and Sens. Tester, Wicker, Moran, and Peters for their support.”

Find more information in the press release from the Office of Senator John Thune.


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