WIA Statement on the Advancement of Gigi Sohn’s Nomination to the FCC

ARLINGTON, Va. – Please attribute the following statement to WIA President and CEO, Jonathan Adelstein.  

“I congratulate Ms. Sohn on the advancement of her nomination as an FCC Commissioner. Her extensive experience at the FCC, and her related work in telecommunications, academia, and public interest advocacy, have prepared her to be a strong voice on the Commission. I look forward to working with her to ensure all Americans have access to robust broadband connectivity.”

About WIA
The Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA) represents the businesses that build, develop, own, and operate the nation’s wireless infrastructure. WIA advocates for the widespread, responsible deployment of wireless infrastructure to enable mobile broadband for communities everywhere. 

Media Contact: Marshall Miller | 717-951-0795 | marshall.miller@wia.org 

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