WIA Announces New Online Tool to Help Companies Start, Manage Registered Apprenticeship

ARLINGTON, Va. – The Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA) today announced it has contracted with ApprentiScope, an online platform designed for Registered Apprenticeship that helps companies manage their apprentices and track training outcomes. This apprenticeship management software is now available at no cost to all 71 employers in the Telecommunications Industry Registered Apprenticeship Program (TIRAP), which WIA sponsors nationally.  

As the sponsor of TIRAP and an industry intermediary, WIA provides support for telecommunications companies to make managing apprenticeship simple. In response to employer feedback, this software is being provided to make apprenticeship information available to HR managers, trainers, and supervisors in a single, user-friendly dashboard. It will also allow apprentices to track their own progress in training and better visualize their career path.

“One of the biggest advantages of TIRAP is the systematic way it lays out on-the-job training competencies and related instruction associated with telecommunications jobs,” said WIA’s Vice President of Workforce Development, Brent Weil. “ApprentiScope compliments this by providing an easy-to-use, secure platform to manage the progression of trainees through an apprenticeship program. It uses the actual language of apprenticeship and makes apprentice tracking easy for employers by breaking down trainee progress to the task level.”

“Our mission at ApprentiScope is to address the global talent shortage by making modern Registered Apprenticeships scalable and accessible to all. Whether you’re an employer-sponsor, intermediary, or regulatory agency, our software can dramatically reduce the overhead required to scale your Registered Apprenticeship programs.” said ApprentiScope Founder and CEO William Lippolis. “We are a one-stop-shop for scaling Apprenticeships. Together with our industry-leading Customer Success team, the ApprentiScope platform is empowering everyone from Fortune 10 enterprises to top-tier universities to government agencies to meet their growing talent needs through Apprenticeships. We couldn’t be more excited to partner with WIA to offer this invaluable apprenticeship management tool to their partners in the telecommunications industry.”

The apprentice tracking tool will be housed as part of the Telecommunications Workforce Center, which WIA launched earlier this year as a hub for training and apprenticeship initiatives for the entire telecommunications industry.

About WIA:
The Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA) represents the businesses that build, develop, own, and operate the nation’s wireless infrastructure. WIA advocates for the widespread, responsible deployment of wireless infrastructure to enable mobile broadband for communities everywhere.

About TIRAP:

The Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA) is the National Sponsor of the Telecommunications Industry Registered Apprenticeship Program (TIRAP), a DOL-registered apprenticeship program. Since 2017, WIA has administered National Standards of Apprenticeship for DOL-approved occupations established under the program. Graduates receive national, industry-recognized credentials that certify occupation proficiency and expand opportunities for career advancement. WIA supports participating employers in promoting consistency and uniformity in training across occupations to improve the safety and quality of the wireless workforce.

Media Contact: Marshall Miller | 717-951-0795 | marshall.miller@wia.org 

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