What Is Critical Information & Why Should I Protect It?

USTelcom’s SVP of Cybersecurity and Innovation Robert Mayer will be participating in a webinar presented by the Small Business Development Center’s (SBDC) on critical information and the duty to protect it

Spring Into Cyber Awareness: What Is Critical Information & Why Should I Protect It?
Wednesday, March 31
1 PM (ET)

Moderator: Earl Gregorich, South Carolina SBDC
Jacob Blacksten, Delaware SBDC
TJ Crews, Cyber Protection LLC
Robert Mayer, USTelecom

The post What Is Critical Information & Why Should I Protect It? appeared first on USTelecom.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ustelecom.org/event/what-is-critical-information-why-should-i-protect-it/