USTelecom Welcomes Calix to Expanding Connectivity Community

WASHINGTON, DC – USTelecom | The Broadband Association, a leading association of connectivity providers and innovators, today announced California-based Calix Inc., a leading provider of cloud, software platforms, systems and services to broadband service providers, has joined the association as a new member.

USTelecom President and CEO Jonathan Spalter said:

Calix’s innovation model extends the benefits of broadband connectivity across America, and we look forward to working with the Calix team and welcoming them to the USTelecom community.”

A full list of USTelecom’s global members is available HERE.


Calix, Inc. (NYSE: CALX) – Calix cloud and software platforms enable service providers of all types and sizes to innovate and transform. Our customers utilize the real-time data and insights from Calix platforms to simplify their businesses and deliver experiences that excite their subscribers. The resulting growth in subscriber acquisition, loyalty, and revenue creates more value for their businesses and communities. This is the Calix mission; to enable broadband service providers of all sizes to simplify, excite, and grow.


USTelecom is the national trade association representing technology providers, innovators, suppliers, and manufacturers committed to connecting the world through the power of broadband.

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