USTelecom Statement on the Promoting Affordable Connectivity Act of 2024

Today, Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) introduced the Promoting Affordable Connectivity Act of 2024, recommending the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) be rolled into the Universal Service Fund (USF). The bill also proposed the contributions base of the USF to include Big Tech.

The following statement can be attributed to Brandon Heiner, Senior Vice President of Government Affairs.

“The ACP has been transformative for 23 million low-income households in America, but despite the program’s success, funding will run out this month. To secure ACP’s future, we must move the program into a modernized USF that includes contributions from Big Tech. It is long past time for the largest global internet companies to join with the telecom sector to responsibly and accountably contribute to our shared goals of connectivity and affordability. We appreciate Senator Fetterman’s leadership in establishing a stable and sustainable funding source for ACP and the universal service program. We look forward to continuing to work with Congress on these important issues.”

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