USTelecom’s #TheUpload Series

#TheUpload is a series of audio clips from conversations between the USTelecom team and policy, technology, and industry leaders, discussing key issues of the day and how to support the deployment of broadband connectivity to communities everywhere.

  • On this episode of #TheUpload Robert Mayer, SVP, Cybersecurity & Innovation, USTelecom introduces Evelyn Remaley, Acting Administrator for the NTIA, during a recent webinar discussing “A Shared Vision For The Future Of IoT Security Policy.”

    For the full recap of the event click here.

  • From our recent webinar event Preparing Your RDOF Long Form, Lynn Follansbee, VP, Policy & Advocacy at USTelecom introduces Jim Stegeman, President/CEO at CostQuest Associates, for a discussion and live Q&A with winners of the RDOF Phase 1 Auction on how to prepare and submit their Long Form application (FCC Form 683). Tune-in then check out the full recording here.

  • In this edition of #TheUpload from USTelecom’s 2020 Broadband Investment Forum, Kathy Grillo, SVP of Public Policy & Government Affairs at Verizon leads a fiberside chat with Rep. Frank Pallone, Chairman of the House Energy & Commerce Committee about closing the digital divide, the pressing need for reliable infrastructure in all corners of the country, and government investment to achieve universal connectivity. Take a listen, then check out the full conversation here.

  • Mike Saperstein, Vice President of Strategic Initiatives & Partnerships at USTelecom, recently sat down with analyst Art Menko for a deeper dive into the USTelecom 2020 Broadband Pricing Index Report. The key takeaway? When broadband companies invest, consumers win. To listen to the full conversation, click here.

  • Did you know illegal robocalls are the number one consumer complaint in the United States? USTelecom CEO Jonathan Spalter was recently joined by FCC Chairman Ajit Pai to share his perspective on the collaborative efforts – with federal and state government officials, as well as industry champions, to hang up on illegal robocalls. To listen to the full conversation, click here.

  • USTelecom CEO Jonathan Spalter recently had the opportunity to speak with Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser about how the USTelecom–led Industry Traceback Group is supporting Attorneys General across the country identify and prosecute illegal robocallers. Catching these criminals can’t just happen at the federal level…state law enforcement is a critical part of the solution. To listen to the full conversation, click here.

  • In this edition of #TheUpload, USTelecom President and CEO Jonathan Spalter spoke with Amy Hinojosa, President & CEO at MANA, and Dr. Nicol Turner Lee, Senior Fellow at Brookings Institution, at the AT&T Policy Forum for an important conversation about the path to universal connectivity – and what we must do together – innovators in industry and government – to create an inclusive digital future. Bottom Line: It’s time for Congress to invest in broadband for all. If not now, when? To listen to the full conversation, click here.

  • USTelecom President and CEO Jonathan Spalter spoke with Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) to discuss America’s connected future…and how policymakers and broadband innovators can partner to advance investment in our modern broadband networks. After all, we share a common connectivity goal: reach every community – no matter where, no matter what. To listen to the full conversation, click here.

  • USTelecom President and CEO Jonathan Spalter speaks with FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr about how strong broadband networks play a role in delivering telemedicine during this time of COVID. To listen to the full conversation, click here.

  • USTelecom President and CEO Jonathan Spalter speaks with FCC Commissioner Geoffrey Starks about the realities of internet inequality in our society, and how broadband access for all must be part of the solution. Bottom line: the time for policymakers to act – and to invest – is now. To listen to the full conversation, click here.

  • USTelecom President and CEO Jonathan Spalter speaks with Senator Mark Warner, Vice Chair of the Senate Intel Committee, about securing America’s 5G connected future. To listen to the full conversation, click here.


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