USTelecom American Connectivity Forum

As Washington gears-up for critical decisions about the future of universal connectivity, this event brings together leaders from the policy community along with senior executives from the nation’s innovative broadband providers for important discussions on the path forward to connect our communities.

Watch the livestream here

Special Guests

Geoffrey Starks, FCC

Commissioner Geoffrey Starks, FCC 

Senator Welch

Senator Peter Welch (D-VT) 

Featured Guests

  • Jeff England, VP & CFO, Silver Star Communications
  • Jennifer Prather, CEO, Totelcom Communications and Chair, USTelecom Leadership Committee
  • Brad Welch, COO, CentraCom
  • Jason Williams, CEO, Blackfoot Communications and Chair, USTelecom Board
  • Jonathan Spalter, President & CEO, USTelecom

Watch the livestream here

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