Using Existing Technology to Power the Communications of Tomorrow

Using Existing Technology to Power the Communications of Tomorrow: 

5G, Edge Computing, Virtualized Networking & More

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With 5G billed as the newest game changer, service providers are laser focused on the new revenue-generating services that this new technology will support. Making it all possible, however, requires network and operations management of radio-access, core and virtualized networks.

Fortunately, service providers that already have Common Language implemented are one step ahead of addressing the complexities of a successful 5G deployment and introducing new revenue-generating services in a way that is both scalable and profitable for their business.

Join leading industry analyst Karl Whitelock of IDC, Director of Common Language Services Chris Bain and Director of Product Management, Sharon Dileo from iconectiv as they explore:

  • The challenges service providers face in their deployment and support strategies for 5G, Edge Computing and Virtualized Networking
  • The role of a universal structure like iconectiv’s TruOps Common Language in the deployment, management and interconnection of physical and virtual assets that support new 5G services.
  • Use case examples for how a universal structure has been used by service providers in the past and how it can reduce time to revenue for innovation investments and offer a competitive advantage in the race to expand into key markets.


 1Karl Whitelock, Research Vice President, Communications Service Provider Operations and Monetization (OSS/BSS) at IDC. He leads IDC’s communications service provider operations and monetization practice. He offers strategic insight and global perspectives concerning the operations and monetization functions, formerly known as OSS/BSS. These include rating and charging, policy management, partner management, customer experience, service provisioning, service assurance, and network operations.  

Chris Bain iconectiv photoChris Bain, Director, Common Language Services at iconectiv is responsible for establishing and evolving the industry naming standards that comprise TruOps Common Language. His 40+ years of process automation experience include various aspects of inventory management and service provisioning. Additionally, he contributes to technical forums in support of the industry.


 1Sharon Dileo, Director, Product Management at iconectiv, is responsible for setting the strategy, roadmap and feature definition for TruOps Common Language. Her role entails collaborating with a cross functional team to ensure strategic and tactical alignment of goals and resources for the delivery of the product and services both domestically and internationally.


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