US Department of Labor Selects WIA as a Partner to Deliver Employment Assistance to Transitioning Service Members

ARLINGTON, Va. – The Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA) today announced it has signed a memorandum of understanding with the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)’s Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (VETS) to serve as a partner in support of the Employment Navigator and Partnership Pilot (ENPP). Through ENPP, WIA will partner with transition offices at military bases across the globe to provide career assistance to transitioning service members, and their spouses, to help them find meaningful careers in telecommunications.

“There is a huge demand for more talent in the telecommunications industry, and the skills our veterans possess make them ideal candidates for these careers,” said WIA President and CEO Patrick Halley. “We are thrilled to be partnering with VETS to help connect transitioning service members and their spouses to quality, high-demand career opportunities within our industry. As the leading organization defining career paths and expanding registered apprenticeships within telecom, WIA has the connections to seamlessly transition veterans into apprenticeships and good-paying careers that will make excellent use of the skills they’ve acquired during their time in service to our country.”

WIA is the National Sponsor of the Telecommunications Industry Registered Apprenticeship Program (TIRAP), a competency-based registered apprenticeship program that defines career paths in a growing number of occupations and focuses on improving the productivity and safety of the telecommunications workforce. As the National Sponsor of TIRAP, WIA was awarded a contract by the DOL in 2020 to serve as the Industry Intermediary for expanding registered apprenticeships in the 5G and telecommunications sector. WIA is also the recipient of an Apprenticeship Closing the Skills Gap grant to increase apprenticeship opportunities for all Americans by accelerating the expansion of apprenticeships to nontraditional industry sectors and occupations.

Through TIRAP, WIA partners with employers to provide resources and guidance to help them improve and formalize their existing training so they can offer a nationally recognized certificate through the DOL for occupations within telecom. As an ENPP participant, WIA will leveraging TIRAP’s growing pool of 77 employer partners and the association’s membership, which has a footprint in all 50 states, to connect interested transitioning service members and their spouses with meaningful, long-term career opportunities as they conclude their military service.

About WIA:

The Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA) represents the businesses that build, develop, own, and operate the nation’s wireless infrastructure. WIA advocates for the widespread, responsible deployment of wireless infrastructure to enable mobile broadband for communities everywhere.

Media Contact: Marshall Miller | 717-951-0795 | 

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