United Telecom Systems Becomes First NATE Member Company to Go “Live” with the Association’s 401K Retirement Benefits Program

United Telecom Systems Becomes First NATE Member Company to Go “Live” with the Association’s 401K Retirement Benefits Program

Partnership with VisionPoint Advisory Group and Newport Retirement Services Provides Association’s Member Companies Access to Small Business-Friendly TrueCourse 401K Pooled Employer Plan

(Watertown, SD) – NATE: The Communications Infrastructure Contractors Association  announced today that Woodstock, Georgia-based United Telecom Systems is the first member company to officially go live with the TrueCourse 401K Pooled Employer Plan.

“As a valued NATE member, our partnership with the Association’s 401(k) Program gives our company the opportunity to provide our employees with a strong financial foundation for future investments,” said Salvatore Iovino, President of United Telecom Systems. “This has enabled us to captivate prospective employees, not just by filling positions, but by hiring the right culture for our team. One of the best ways to do this is by offering a benefit and incentive program that makes the employee feel valued. Telecom is a very competitive market, and UTS has made great strides to show our appreciation to our employees. The 401k program enhances our existing benefits that include full medical, dental, vision, gym memberships, life insurance and free cryptocurrency,” added Iovino.

“NATE congratulates United Telecom Systems for becoming the first member company to officially adopt the TrueCourse 401K Pooled Employer Plan benefits within their company,” said President & CEO Todd Schlekeway. “Access to this retirement program is an attractive benefit for NATE member companies to include as part of their employee compensation package that can play a key role in recruiting and retaining talented employees. I would encourage all of NATE’s member companies to start the process of obtaining information on how to offer these TrueCourse 401K plan benefits for their employees,” added Schlekeway.

NATE members are encouraged to visit HERE to begin exploring their retirement benefits options through this program (note: member companies should log in to the members-only section of the website to begin the process of accessing the retirement benefits page). For more information on NATE, visit www.natehome.com.

![Nate Logo Full Color W Reg|255x103](upload://1U9zqNFTnbmQ1hmETkMGx0U9xfb.jpeg) ![Truecoursepop401k Png|299x94](upload://49TFD0ENJfMiYVPa6AzkIPRxHSE.png)


About NATE: The Communications Infrastructure Contractors Association

NATE: The Communications Infrastructure Contractors Association is a non-profit trade association dedicated to providing a unified voice for companies in the diverse tower and communications infrastructure construction, service and maintenance industries. Today the Association boasts over 1,120 member companies located throughout the United States, Bahamas, Canada, China, Israel, Jamaica, Lithuania, Puerto Rico, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Trinidad and the United Kingdom. For additional information on NATE, please visit www.natehome.com.

Contact: Todd Schlekeway
(605) 882-5865

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This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://natehome.com/2022/04/06/united-telecom-systems-becomes-first-nate-member-company-to-go-live-with-the-associations-401k-retirement-benefits-program/