Transatlantic Tech Partnerships

USTelecom and the European Telecommunications Network Operators’ Association (ETNO) recent webinar discussed the recently relaunched US-EU dialogue on technology policy. We looked into the most relevant issues, by bringing a fresh angle to the debate, at a time when our industry is working to deploy new gigabit networks and innovative digital services on both sides of the Atlantic.

Fireside Chat

  • Ruth Berry, Director for Digital Technology Policy; International Economics and Competitiveness, National Security Council, White House
  • Thibaut Kleiner, Director, Policy, Strategy and Outreach, DG Connect, European Commission
  • Lise Fuhr, Director General, ETNO
  • Jonathan Spalter, President & CEO, USTelecom


  • Len Cali, Senior Vice President for Global Public Policy at AT&T
  • Donald Connor, Director and Managing Counsel, Telecommunications Regulatory Compliance, Twilio Inc.
  • Pascal Rogard, Head of Brussels office, Orange

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