The Wireless Infrastructure Association Commends Congress for Prioritizing 5G Apprenticeships

ARLINGTON, Va. – Please attribute the following statement to WIA Senior Vice President of Government and Public Affairs, Matt Mandel.  

“WIA commends Congress for promoting 5G infrastructure deployment by directing the FCC and Department of Labor to continue investing in the development of America’s wireless workforce through apprenticeship. As the National Sponsor of the Telecommunications Industry Registered Apprenticeship Program, WIA is expanding and supporting Registered Apprenticeship in the wireless sector, which is critical for developing the skilled workforce necessary to win the race to 5G. We look forward to increased collaboration with the FCC and DOL, and we are grateful that Congress recognizes the importance of apprenticeship for building 5G and future generation networks.” 

In the recently passed government funding legislation, Congress acknowledged the importance of 5G infrastructure and encouraged the FCC, in conjunction with the Department of Labor, to continue to encourage investments in the development of the 5G workforce, including apprenticeships in the wireless sector.

About WIA

The Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA) represents the businesses that build, develop, own, and operate the nation’s wireless infrastructure. WIA advocates for the widespread, responsible deployment of wireless infrastructure to enable mobile broadband for communities everywhere. 

Media Contact: Marshall Miller | 717-951-0795 |

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