The SIP School: Technical & Sales Training

![The SIP School: Technical & Sales Training|373x135](upload://d8QjhHyAj9gTG1wOF9RDQjgd9RV.png)

This is a unique opportunity to invest in critical training of your technical, operations and sales personnel, and keep them abreast of the most important of protocols for VoIP and Unified Communications.

USTelecom, offers a 10% discount on all SIP training and certifications. Please use the discount code: USTelecom10 when signing up for all SIP Training courses and certifications here.

Courses and Certifications

  • SSCA® ‘Elite’ SIP training + on-line access to the SSCA® ‘Elite’ Certification test (industry endorsed)
  • Networking 4 VVoIP + ‘on-line’ SSVVP™ certification test
  • SIP & Cloud – Advanced Sales training + SSSP™ test
  • WebRTC Integrator + ‘on-line’ WSQI™ certification test
  • All free demos and course curriculum PDFs can be downloaded via the website here.

So what’s special about The SIP School™?

  • Its training covers everything people need to know about SIP whether they are installation, support, pre-sales, network design or even marketing and sales professionals.
  • It’s relevant to every company that works in telecommunications from small business up to global service providers. The course has no ‘favorites’ and shows students what happens in the real world and it does not restrict itself to just theory.
  • Starting from SIP messaging through security, firewalls, SIP trunking, troubleshooting, cloud-based systems, VoLTE and VoNR and onto SIP in UC/UCaaS as well as CPaaS, it covers everything students need plus more!
  • It now has full training on STIR/SHAKEN with live videos to demonstrate all you need to know to get it implemented into the network.
  • It evolves as SIP and associated technologies evolve so students can revisit the training to keep their skills fresh.
  • It’s fully animated with video, quizzes and learning games, exercises, and pointers to free software to download and use in the labs.
  • It’s supported on multiple devices including Tablet computers.

Learn more and register here.

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