STIR/SHAKEN Enterprise Summit

STIR/SHAKEN Enterprise Summit

The SIP Forum’s STIR/SHAKEN ENTERPRISE SUMMIT is the next iteration of the association’s STIR/SHAKEN Call Authentication Framework virtual conference, and features a series of free-to-attend webinars presented by the experts leading the development of the STIR/SHAKEN Call Authentication Framework as well as leading companies providing solutions and deployment expertise, that will focus on the Enterprise requirements, challenges, and opportunities related to the deployment of STIR/SHAKEN, as well as a host of other issues relevant to the call authentication/Secure Telephone Identity (STI) industry eco-system including discussion of the ramifications of governmental regulatory, legislative and enforcement actions and critical security issues.

On Thursday, October 20, Executive Director of the USTelecom-led Industry Traceback Group Josh Bercu will lead The State of Industry Traceback session. Josh and Kevin Rupy, Partner at Wiley Rein, will discuss the current state of industry traceback and its impact on stopping illegal robocalls. Also, they will share their perspectives on some of the ways the Industry Traceback Group, or ITG, has evolved from 2015 when Kevin first led the establishment of the group, to now, and how the effort may continue to evolve going forward.

Also on Thursday, Josh will participate in the panel Establishing Trusted Relationships Among Service Providers. The panel is moderated by Christopher Oatway, Associate General Counsel, Verizon, and Director, SIP Forum. Panelists include Sarah Delphey, VP of Trust Solutions, at Numeracle; Campbell Massie, Director of Regulatory Policy, North America at GSMA; and Elizabeth Gray Nunez, Legal Counsel at Verizon.

Learn more and register

USTelecom is an association sponsor of the the SIP Forum’s STIR/SHAKEN ENTERPRISE SUMMIT

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