Statement on FTC & Law Enforcement Initiative

Today, the Federal Trade Commission, along with other federal and state law enforcement partners, announced a new initiative, “Operation Stop Scam Calls,” to crack down on illegal telemarketing calls. In addition to telemarketers and lead generators, the initiative targets Voice over Internet Protocol service providers facilitating illegal robocalls, relying on data from the USTelecom-led Industry Traceback Group.

The following statement can be attributed to Josh Bercu, Executive Director of the Industry Traceback Group and Vice President, Policy & Advocacy at USTelecom – The Broadband Association:

“Today’s announcement is another important step in protecting consumers from illegal and unwanted robocalls. The partnership among federal and state government agencies is producing real results. The USTelecom-led Industry Traceback Group looks forward to continuing to work with the FTC, FCC, DOJ, state attorneys general, and other government partners to stop scam calls.”

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