Statement on FCC Rules for Pole Attachments

Today, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted to adopt a Fourth Report and Order, Declaratory Ruling, and Third Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on pole attachments.

The following statement is from Jonathan Spalter, USTelecom President & CEO:

“USTelecom members are working hard every day to get broadband to every corner of our country as quickly and efficiently as possible. As we review the FCC’s final order, we continue to urge all policymakers everywhere to resist calls for so-called “pole replacement reform.” Whether it’s through regulations, legislation, or government funding, the loudest proponents pushing such “reform” are simply looking to shift their deployment costs onto others. Plain and simple, it’s called rent-seeking. And that’s not what broadband for all is all about. Neither competitors nor American taxpayers should have to bail out those who fail to account for the basic costs of doing business in the broadband marketplace.”

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