Statement on FCC Expansion of Robocall Blocking Rules

At an FCC open meeting today, the FCC adopted an item on anti-robocall requirements. The item included a Report and Order that would mandate that all providers respond to tracebacks within 24 hours, require “Know Your Upstream Provider” throughout the call path, and extend to all providers requirements that they block illegal traffic when notified of such by the FCC.

The following statement can be attributed to Jonathan Spalter, president & CEO of USTelecom – The Broadband Association:

“USTelecom appreciates Chairwoman Rosenworcel’s and the FCC’s continued leadership and today’s action in the ongoing fight against illegal and unwanted robocalls. These calls often are carried by four or more providers from across the U.S. and the globe, so requiring all providers in the call path to “know” their upstream provider is clearly the right approach and will ensure accountability throughout the voice network. Likewise, extending the requirement to respond to traceback requests within 24 hours to all providers in the call path will bolster industry, FCC, and law enforcement efforts to trace—and stop—the bad actors behind illegal robocalls.”

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