Statement on FCC AI Robocalls Ruling

Today, the Federal Communications Commission adopted a Declaratory Ruling confirming the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, the primary law that protects consumers from unwanted robocalls, applies to calls made using AI technologies that generate human voices.

The following statement can be attributed to Josh Bercu, vice president, policy and advocacy at USTelecom and executive director of the USTelecom-led Industry Traceback Group:

“Maintaining the safety and security of our customers is a top priority for USTelecom and our members. Our commitment includes protecting customers from illegal robocalls, whether made with AI technology or not. Chairwoman Rosenworcel and the Commission’s action today is an important step in the right direction, making it clear bad actors cannot simply turn to AI to sidestep the law that protects consumers from unwanted robocalls and ensures that those attempting such evasion will be held accountable.”

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