Statement on Confirmation of Lina Khan to FTC

WASHINGTON, DC – USTelecom | The Broadband Association, a leading association of connectivity providers and innovators, today issued the following statement after the U.S. Senate confirmed Lina Khan as a Commissioner to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

USTelecom President and CEO Jonathan Spalter said:

“USTelecom and our members congratulate Commissioner Khan on her bipartisan confirmation. We look forward to working with her to strengthen the digital economy and make progress on two key priorities. First, achieving a national privacy framework that respects and protects consumers across the entire internet ecosystem. Second, growing our existing partnership to crack down on robocall scammers who illegally pollute our communications networks.”

USTelecom is the national trade association representing technology providers, innovators, suppliers, and manufacturers committed to connecting the world through the power of broadband.

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