Sipnoc 2022

SIPNOC 2022Now in its 11th year, SIP Forum’s SIPNOC 2022 is the 11th Annual SIP Network Operators Conference focuses on the real-world challenges service providers face when deploying SIP-based services such as STIR/SHAKEN. SIPNOC 2022 puts the spotlight on the continuing development and deployment of the STIR/SHAKEN Framework and its role in the mitigation of Robocalls and Caller ID Spoofing, as well as other related regulatory and enforcement topics and actions.

SIPNOC 2022 will be series of webinars presented by the experts leading the development of the STIR/SHAKEN Call Authentication Framework, as well as leading companies providing STIR/SHAKEN solutions and deployment expertise.

USTelecom’s Vice President of Policy & Advocacy Josh Bercu, Director of Policy & Traceback Operations Jessica Thompson will present the panel “Industry Traceback 2022 and Beyond” to provide an update on tracebacks.

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