SIP Forum Webinar: TRACED Act for Mid- and Small-sized Carriers

How to Be TRACED Act Compliant

Many small- to mid-sized carriers faced hurdles to implementing STIR/SHAKEN due to the significant cost of upgrading their network infrastructure and related systems – in these cases, the FCC granted extensions.

Despite these extensions, they must still act to be compliant by the June 2021 deadline!

In this webinar hosted by SIP Forum and sponsored by USTelecom Member Neustar, industry experts will address the following:

  • What are the latest market trends?
  • What should mid- and small-sized carriers be doing to comply with the latest regulations (TRACED Act, Second Report and Order, etc.)?
  • What are the consequences of doing nothing?
  • What does it mean to comply with traceback requests from the Industry Traceback Group?
  • What are industry best practices?

Featured Speakers

Josh Bercu
Vice President, Policy & Advocacy, USTelecom

Jessica Thompson
Manager, Policy & Advocacy, USTelecom

Julien Nordstrand
Senior Director, Product Management, Neustar

Bart Pesavento
Director, Product Marketing, Neustar

Register Here

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