SIP Forum’s SIPNOC 2023

SIP Forum's SIPNOC 2023

“Focus on the Call and Text Authentication Ecosystem”

Presented by the SIP Forum, the leading industry association focused on the advancement of IP communications products and services based on the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), the 12th annual SIPNOC conference is a unique event for service providers and carriers to gather to discuss the challenges of deploying and implementing SIP-based communications technology, and to learn the best-practices and strategies that enable the successful and profitable operation of SIP-based services and applications. Learn more about registration here.

USTelecom, VP – Policy & Advocacy Josh Bercu will present the session “Industry Traceback 2023 and Beyond” on Wednesday, September 13th.  Learn more about the conference schedule here.

For more information, please contact Marc Robins, SIP Forum President and Managing Director, at

USTelecom is an association sponsor of the SIP Forum’s SIPNOC 2023.

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