Pennsylvania Enacts Small Cell Legislation to Promote Wireless Broadband

ARLINGTON, Va. – Pennsylvania enacts small cell legislation to promote wireless broadband. 

“WIA commends Pennsylvania for enacting small cell legislation as the nation races to 5G. The legislation modernizes and streamlines Pennsylvania’s rules for small cell deployment and lays the groundwork needed for jobs, economic growth, public safety, telemedicine, and distance learning across the state,” said WIA President and CEO Jonathan Adelstein. “WIA would like to thank Senators Pat Browne and Lisa Boscola, Senate Communications and Technology Chairs Kristin Phillips-Hill and John Kane, House Consumer Affairs Committee Chairs Jim Marshall, and Rob Matzie, and Representatives Frank Farry and Pete Schweyer, for their continued leadership at the forefront of this important issue. WIA supports this balanced, bipartisan bill and urges Gov. Wolf to expeditiously sign the measure into law.”  


About WIA
The Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA) represents the businesses that build, own, and operate the nation’s wireless infrastructure. On the federal, state, and local levels, WIA advocates for the widespread, responsible deployment of wireless infrastructure to enable mobile broadband access for communities everywhere.

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