Onward to IWCE and Beyond - Message from the President

Onward to IWCE and Beyond - Message from the President

Prince Niyyar

Posted on March 24, 2023
By Prince Niyyar | President, SBC Board of Directors

Dear Safer Buildings Coalition Members,

I am excited to report to you that in just a few days, at the IWCE Conference, SBC will publicly launch the first-ever book written exclusively for designing and installing Emergency Responder Communications Enhancement Systems (ERCES). The Complete ERCES Handbook with NICET In-Building Public Safety Communications (IB-PSC) Study Guide will not only provide educational material on the best practices for the design, installation, and testing of Emergency Responder Communications Enhancement Systems (ERCES) but also prepare the technicians and designers for NICET certification. This is a major milestone in the journey of SBC towards our mission of eliminating wireless dead zones, as it will raise the competency of the industry and raise awareness of SBC as a pre-eminent organization in the field of In-building Public Safety Communications.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.saferbuildings.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=793:onward-to-iwce-and-beyond---message-from-the-president&catid=23:latest-news&Itemid=130