NATE Statement on Passage of Bipartisan Infrastructure Legislation

NATE Statement on Passage of Bipartisan Infrastructure Legislation

(Washington, D.C.) – NATE: The Communications Infrastructure Contractors Association issued the following statement after the House of Representatives passed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), legislation that provides $65 billion in funding for broadband and communications infrastructure programs.

“NATE is very pleased that this legislation is now headed to President Biden for his signature. For nearly 25 years, NATE has advocated that communications infrastructure projects that allow for the rapid flow of information and data are just as important as infrastructure projects providing for the flow of travel and goods,” said Todd Washam, NATE Director of Government Relations and Wireless Industry Network. “The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs act provides historic levels of funding for several of NATE’s top legislative priorities and it will have a significant impact on efforts to close the digital divide in rural, unserved, and underserved communities.

The IIJA provides $65 billion in federal funding for broadband infrastructure projects. The bulk of this funding, $42 billion, goes directly toward funding construction and service improvements and will be distributed to states in the form of grants. Approximately $14 billion is set aside in a new Affordable Connectivity Fund, which provides $30 subsidies to millions of low-income Americans to help pay for Internet service. The IIJA also includes two NATE-supported provisions that were included as amendments during debate in the Senate.

“NATE is also pleased that several of NATE’s legislative priorities were included as amendments in this legislation. These initiatives will help provide for a skilled communications workforce and ensure transparency and accountability of federally funded broadband projects,” continued Washam. “Senator Thune’s Telecommunications Skilled Workforce provision will help our industry meet the enormous demands for broadband and closing the digital divide resulting from this important legislation. And Senator Fischer’s amendment, which would require the Federal Communications Commission to provide maps of federally funded broadband projects, would ensure there is transparency and accountability as Congress appropriates billions in funding for broadband infrastructure.“

“NATE members are eager to work with the National Telecommunications and Information Administration and state broadband agencies to leverage this historic funding for broadband deployment. NATE also encourages state agencies to invest in critical workforce development programs to ensure we can meet our national broadband goals,” Washam continued.


About NATE: The Communications Infrastructure Contractors Association

NATE: The Communications Infrastructure Contractors Association is a non-profit trade association dedicated to providing a unified voice for companies in the diverse tower and communications infrastructure construction, service and maintenance industries. Today the Association boasts over 1,065 member companies located throughout the United States, Bahamas, Brazil, Canada, China, Guam, Israel, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Trinidad and the United Kingdom. For additional information on NATE, please visit

Contact: Todd Washam
(605) 882-5865


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