Iwce 2023

IWCE 2022

Thanks for joining us at IWCE 2023

  • Here are a few resources that may interest you:
  • SBC is officially launching the Complete ERCES Handbook with NICET In-Building Public Safety Communications (IB-PSC) Study Guide. Click to learn more.
  • VISIT OUR IWCE SHOWCASE PRESENTATION THEATER AT BOOTH # 1652 (See the bottom of this page)
  • Read the mission of the Safer Buildings Coalition
  • View our calendar of upcoming seminars and events
  • Subscribe to our monthly newsletter for industry insights and updates
  • Learn more about becoming a member
  • See below for panelist information
  • If you're still at IWCE don't forget to come visit our booth #1652 for live presentations and gifts!

Thanks again for visiting us. If you should have any questions, please contact us at We hope to hear from you soon!


Monday, March 27 | 11:30am - 12:00pm
UPLINK RADIO PERFORMANCE: CRITICAL TO ENSURING IN-BUILDING AND OUTDOOR COMMUNICATIONS Speaker: David Adams  (PCTEL) Location: N258 Pass Type: All Access, Quick Pass Monday Track: In-building Wireless, System Resiliency Format: Power Session

Tuesday, March 28 | 11:30am - 12:30pm
IN-BUILDING WIRELESS IMPERATIVE PT 1: EVOLVING AND CONVERGING TECHNOLOGIES Moderator: John Foley  (Safer Buildings Coalition) Panelists:  Location: N261 Pass Type: All Access, Quick Pass Tuesday Track: In-building Wireless Format: Panel Session

Tuesday, March 28 | 1:45pm - 2:45pm
IN-BUILDING WIRELESS IMPERATIVE PT 2: PRIORITIZING SCHOOL COMMUNICATIONS Moderator: Chief Alan Perdue  (Safer Buildings Coalition) Panelists:  Location: N261 Pass Type: All Access, Quick Pass Tuesday Track: In-building Wireless Format: Panel Session  
Tuesday, March 28 | 3:00pm - 4:00pm IN-BUILDING WIRELESS IMPERATIVE PT 3: LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION Moderator: Seth Buechley  (Cathedral Consulting) Panelists:  Location: N261 Pass Type: All Access, Quick Pass Tuesday Track: In-building Wireless Format: Panel Session

Wednesday, March 29 | 10:15am - 11:15am
4.9 GHZ: WHAT NOW? Moderator: Donny Jackson  (IWCE's Urgent Communications) Panelists:  Location: N259 Pass Type: All Access, Standard, Quick Pass Wednesday Track: Broadband Format: Panel Session

Wednesday, March 29 | 1:15pm - 2:15pm
NEW TECHNOLOGIES FOR P25 TESTING AND COMPLIANCE Moderator: Stephen Nichols  (Project 25 Technology Interest Group) Panelists:  Location: N257 Pass Type: All Access, Standard, Quick Pass Wednesday Track: LMR, In-building Wireless Format: Panel Session

Thursday, March 30 | 11:45am - 12:15pm
WHICH COMPANIES ARE DELIVERING PRIVATE-NETWORKING SOLUTIONS? Moderator: Bobbi Harris  (Utilities Broadband Alliance (UBBA)) Panelists: 
Location: N255 Pass Type: All Access, Standard, Quick Pass Thursday Track: System Resiliency Format: Panel Session



Stop on by Booth #1652 to take a look at the galley copy the Complete ERCES Handbook with NICET In-Building Public Safety Communications (IB-PSC) Study Guide. Authors of the book will also be diving deeper into topics taken straight from chapters of the book to give you a look inside. 

Additionally, we're hosting a Meet and Greet alongside our industry association partner and booth neighbor NATE, who recently released a highly acclaimed documentary called Vertical Freedom, which showcases the tower industry, and specifically those that climb high into the sky to ensure we stay connected. You'll get a chance to meet and hear from Andrew Lealofi, one of the tower climbers featured in the film, to learn more about his experience and the critical work he gets to do everyday. Here's a short clip of Andrew that will give you a glimpse of what inspires him.

And there's more! See below for the full SBC Showcase Theater schedule.



Wednesday, March 29

 - 11:30am - 11:55am | A Perfect Pair: NICET IB-PSC Certification and the Complete ERCES Handbook featuring Chip Hollis (NICET) and Chief Alan Perdue (SBC).

 - 12:30pm - 1:00pm | NATE Vertical Freedom Documentary Meet & Greet featuring Andrew Lealofi (Pacific Safety Solutions) and Seth Buechley (SBC / Cathedral Consulting).

Thursday, March 30

 - 11:30am - 11:55am | Complete ERCES Handbook Chapter Deep Dive: Noise and Interview featuring Mike Brownson (Author / Brownson Consulting).

 - 1:00pm - 1:25pm | The Future of In-Building / Cellular featuring John Foley (Author / SBC).

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at