CSDE Webinar: The New White House Standards Strategy

CSDE International Anti-Botnet Report: A Path to Securing our Digital Economy

Standards are essential for ensuring that technologies are safe and interoperable. On May 4, 2023, the White House unveiled its National Standards Strategy for Critical and Emerging Technology. The Strategy strikes a careful balance by reaffirming the commitment of the United States to the “private-sector led” approach to standards development while also asserting that the U.S. is “uniquely suited to lead standards development on topics of national security”. It also acknowledges that this effort must be complemented with strategic economic policies and investments.

But what exactly is a standard? As policymakers from Congress to federal agencies contemplate their role in this critical effort, the Council to Secure the Digital Economy (CSDE) – a coalition of fifteen global ICT companies led jointly by USTelecom and the Consumer Technology Association – has released a Primer on Technology Standards and Specifications.

In this webinar, experts will review the fundamental concepts in the primer and explore the direction set by the White House Strategy, ultimately considering the question “where we go from here”.

Special Guest

  • Adam Sedgewick, Acting Associate Administrator for IT Standardization, NIST


  • Alexandra Blasgen, Senior Manager, Technology and Standards, Consumer Technology Association
  • Paul Eisler, VP – Cybersecurity, USTelecom
  • Nick Fetchko, Head of International Government Affairs & Trade Policy, Verizon
  • Elaine Newton, Senior Director, Global Standards Policy & Compliance, Oracle
  • Stephanie Travers, Lead Advisor, National Security and Emergency Preparedness, Lumen

Just Released: CSDE Primer on Technology Standards and Specifications


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