CSDE Cybersecurity Summit

A Shared Vision for the Future of IoT Security Policy

Join CSDE to learn about efforts to combat botnets and secure the Internet of Things (IoT), how the Covid-19 pandemic has shaped the botnet threat landscape, and industry’s shared vision for the future of IoT security policy.

Fireside Chat

  • Evelyn Remaley, Acting NTIA Administrator
  • Robert Mayer, Senior Vice President – Cybersecurity and Innovation, USTelecom

Panel:  Cybersecurity policy experts will discuss the Council to Secure the Digital Economy (CSDE) 2021 publications, including the latest edition of the International Botnet and IoT Security Guide.

  • Moderator: Jamie Susskind, Vice President of Policy and Regulatory Affairs, CTA
  • Kathryn Condello, Sr. Director, NS/EP, Lumen
  • Paul Eisler, Senior Director – Cybersecurity, USTelecom
  • Dr. Amit Elazari, Director – Global Cybersecurity Policy, Intel

About the CSDE:  CSDE was co-founded by USTelecom and CTA to raise expectations for security in the global marketplace by promoting responsible practices and shapes policy discussions with governments across the world and the United Nations.


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