CSCC Releases ‘Return to Normal: Guidance and Resources for Communications Providers’

Comprehensive new guide to help communications companies establish a safe return to work plan

WASHINGTON, DC – The Communications Sector Coordinating Council (CSCC) today released a new guide to help communications providers establish and implement a plan as they consider returning to the workplace following COVID-19 closures.

CSCC’s latest version of ‘Return to Normal: Guidance and Resources for Communications Providers’ includes state and federal government recommendations, industry best practices, articles, and questionnaires to create a safe work environment and mitigate future virus spread.

The report is tailored to the specific needs of communications providers as businesses of all sizes across the country consider protocols to resume travel and reopen offices – while maintaining employee and community safety. The CSCC report also includes up to date information about vaccine availability and CDC travel guidelines with community health metrics to assist companies make these important and unprecedented decisions.

Robert Mayer, chair of CSCC and Senior Vice President for Cybersecurity & Innovation at USTelecom, said: “CSCC is built for exactly this type of information and best practices sharing. As CDC guidelines evolve, companies across the country are grappling with how to safely and smartly reopen. Our new report consolidates the latest federal, state and private resources in a comprehensive roadmap to inform the tough but necessary decisions in the weeks and months ahead.”

A link to the full report is available HERE.

About the Communications Sector Coordinating Council (CSCC)

The Communications Sector Coordinating Council (CSCC), with its government partners, works to protect the nation’s communications critical infrastructure and key resources (CIKR) from harm and to ensure that the nation’s communications networks and systems are secure, resilient, and rapidly restored after a natural or manmade disaster.

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