Connect (X) 2022 Conference to Offer Free Full-Access “Power Pass” to Expanded List of Connectivity Service Providers

ARLINGTON, Va. – The Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA) announced today that Connect (X), the premier business technology event in North America for the connectivity industry, will offer a free full-access “Power Pass” for connectivity service providers (CSPs) at this year’s conference in Denver, May 23-26. 

The new pass will provide full access to the event for an expanded list of CSPs, including cable operators, enterprise customers of private networks, fiber broadband service providers, satellite broadband service, utilities offering wireless broadband, wireless internet service providers, and wireless carriers.

“Connect (X) is the only event in North America focused on connectivity infrastructure for service providers,” said Jason Nelson, Vice President, Partnerships and Development for WIA. “Connect (X) 2022 is the most valuable opportunity this year for service providers to gather together and explore both the business and technology of delivering connectivity solutions. With the new ‘Power Pass,’ attendees can connect with leading network financiers, industry analysts, media, enterprise customers, and network with other service providers building their networks.” 

Connectivity service providers wishing to apply for a “Power Pass” can do so here

For additional information and general inquiries, please visit the Connect (X) website or contact our events team directly at

About WIA:                                                                                                                                 

The Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA) represents the businesses that build, develop, own, and operate the nation’s wireless infrastructure. WIA advocates for the widespread, responsible deployment of wireless infrastructure to enable mobile broadband for communities everywhere. 

About Connect (X):

Connect (X) is the only business technology event in North America that unites the industry stakeholders who deliver infrastructure solutions for ubiquitous connectivity.

Contact: Marshall Miller | 717-951-0795 |

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