CHIPS Act Funding: What’s Next?

The global semiconductor shortage deeply affects Information Communications Technology (“ICT”) industries, including broadband and other communications providers. Semiconductors of varying size and complexity are used at every level of the ICT ecosystem, including in the administration, management and operation of 5G and next-generation broadband networks.

Recently, the U.S. Senate voted in favor of the CHIPs Act to fund U.S.-based semiconductor manufacturing, R&D, and innovation. Both parties in Congress and the Administration have supported the strategy embedded in the legislation. Policymakers agree that the United States can no longer rely on a high concentration of chip supply coming from one part of the world.

The legislation gives the Department of Commerce an important job: deciding how to strategically allocate funds and determine which initiatives get prioritized. These next steps are key both to secure the United States’ immediate semiconductor needs and also to position the nation as a global leader in semiconductors long-term.


  • Paul Eisler, Senior Director, Cybersecurity, USTelecom


  • Chris Boyer, Vice President – Global Security and Technology Policy, AT&T
  • Tom Quillin, Global Security Policy,  Intel
  • Diane Rinaldo, Executive Director, Open RAN Policy Institute



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