Bytes & Bandwidth Episode 1: Mitigating Supply Chain Risks

USTelecom launched Bytes & Bandwidth – an original podcast series created specifically for the broadband industry. During each 30-minute episode, we discuss the many life-changing opportunities made possible by broadband and how innovation is connecting communities.

In our inaugural episode, host Robert Mayer, senior vice president of cybersecurity innovation at USTelecom, sits down with Jeanette McMillian, assistant director of supply chain and cyber with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and Mona Harrington, assistant director for the National Risk Management Center at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. The three talk about key risks and the priorities currently facing our supply chain ecosystem, how supply chain risks are communicated within the government, how artificial intelligence might be leveraged to identify and mitigate supply chain risks, and some of the biggest challenges we face in implementing AI solutions.

Show notes
Jeanette J. McMillian serves as the Assistant Director for the Supply Chain and Cyber Directorate (SCD) of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center (NCSC). In this role, Ms. McMillian participates in interagency strategic programs and National Security Council initiatives to bolster the security of cyber and supply chains across the federal enterprise. She works closely with NCSC directorates, Office of Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) components, and other Departments and Agencies, specifically the Departments of Homeland Security and Defense, to address supply chain security as a critical component of the National Counterintelligence Security and National Cyber Strategy.

Mona Harrington was selected to lead the National Risk Management Center (NRMC) at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) in September of 2022. As Assistant Director, she collaborates with public-private partners to identify, analyze, and mitigate risk from cyber and physical threats to critical infrastructure. Under her leadership, the NRMC is advancing its integrated analytic capabilities to support how government and industry share information, manage risk, and prepare and respond to threats.

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