APCO generates excitement – industry is back on the road

APCO generates excitement – industry is back on the road   

![APCO](upload://swn28on3pgU7HkugDwhUhx5Uqd8.jpeg "APCO")

By John Foley SBC Managing Director

Posted on August 30, 2021

The industry (and Safer Buildings) is back on the road, and the energy is a much-needed shot in the arm after more than a year of Zoom calls, webinars, and virtual networking.  

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.saferbuildings.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=638:apco-generates-excitement---industry-is-back-on-the-road&catid=23:latest-news&Itemid=130