Across the Spectrum: Entry-Level Broadband Prices Declining

Latest USTelecom Broadband Pricing Index shows 9.1 percent price drop in past year; 22.9 percent drop from 2015-2021

All price points: highest-speed, most popular and entry-level tiers all moving downward

WASHINGTON, DC – USTelecom | The Broadband Association, a leading association of connectivity providers and innovators, today released the latest installment of the Broadband Pricing Index (BPI), this time analyzing entry-level broadband prices.

Competition in the broadband marketplace is driving prices down and speeds up for consumers across the spectrum – findings that mirror the overall Broadband Pricing Index trends for the highest-speed and most popular service tiers.

Jonathan Spalter, President and CEO of USTelecom said: “Here’s what we know to be true from the facts and the data about broadband in America: in a year when the cost of most goods and services has been going up, the price of broadband – at all price points – went in the opposite direction. This is a continuation of a years-long, downward trend in broadband prices that coincides with accelerating speeds that have unlocked broadband-fueled innovation across the country. Based on this research, the truth is: more Americans have more affordable broadband service choices today than they did one year ago.”

Amid Washington’s policy debate around broadband affordability, USTelecom analyzed not only the pricing trends of the highest-speed and most popular tiers of broadband service, but now entry-level broadband offerings and found:

  • The U.S. broadband marketplace is working for consumers, as reflected in entry-level price declines of 22.9% from 2015-2021 and 9.1% in the past year alone.
  • Adjusted for inflation, these entry-level price cuts translate into real consumer savings of 31.2% over the six-year period and 10.8% from 2020-2021.

![All Price Points: Entry-Level Broadband Prices Continue Decline in 2021|295x148](upload://bkrLdJaQM2REnYz73pWmOMh9qZm.png)


USTelecom is the national trade association representing technology providers, innovators, suppliers, and manufacturers committed to connecting the world through the power of broadband.

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